
New Research Identifies Elements to Unlock Employee Potential and Improve Long-Term Performance

By Timothy Bartl posted 09-25-2020 14:23


Companies that focus on meeting six fundamental human needs through work can engender employee trust and better unlock employee potential, increasing business performance, according to a report co-authored by HR Policy members Ellyn Shook of Accenture and Dr. David Rodriguez of Marriott International.

Six “Dimensions” That Leave Employees “Net Better Off:”  The research identifies six “dimensions” that when addressed, unlock 64% of work potential:

  • Emotional & Mental.  Feeling positive emotions and maintaining mental wellness.
  • Relational.  Having a strong sense of belonging and inclusion as well as many strong personal relationships.
  • Physical.  Being in good health.
  • Financial.  Being financially secure with equitable access to future opportunity and stability.
  • Purposeful.  Feeling that the person makes a positive difference and that life has meaning beyond one’s self.
  • Employable.  Having marketable, capabilities and skills that lead to equitable advancement opportunities.

    The report is based on surveys of 3,200 C-suite executives and more than 15,000 workers spanning 15 industries and 10 countries and features quotes from HR Policy members Perry Stuckey of Eastman, Christy Pambianchi of Verizon and Rhonda Morris of Chevron.

    Financial Performance Follows:  The report finds that companies that incorporate the six dimensions can see revenue growth of 5%, compared to an anticipated average company 2020 reduction of 4.7%.

    Post-Crisis Benefit:  “Ultimately people will remember how they were treated and make choices about who they want to work for and where they’ll do business.  Organizations that recognize this now and help their people become Net Better Off, will win in the market of the future,” according to Ellyn Shook, Accenture Chief Leadership and Human Resources Officer.

    CHRO Role Also Needs to Evolve:  “To ensure that their companies continue to thrive, especially during challenging economic and social times, CHROs must return to their most fundamental mission: caring for workers and unlocking their potential,” said Dr. David Rodriguez, Marriot International Global Chief Human Resources Officer.

