
Inaugural Training Course Examines Emerging HR Issues Around the Globe

By Wenchao Dong posted 07-08-2022 12:12


HR Policy Global’s inaugural Fundamentals of Global Labor Relations training program covered labor environments across the globe and the strategic considerations for global HR executives amid global developments regarding work, the workplace, and workers. 

The first day was devoted to providing a historical context of globalization and the establishment of international labor standards and frameworks as a response. Key areas of focus included: 

  • The “3R” Framework of labor analysis: Representation, Regulation, and Reality.

  • Unions around the world are facing declining membership while other major stakeholders such as NGOs, ESG investors, employees, customers, and social media, are creating more of an impact on the global labor environment.

  • Five global operating principles include respecting the people, respecting the process, minimizing exposure, maximizing leverage, and not rewarding bad behaviors. 

On day two, the team explored the top considerations of key regions’ labor landscapes.

  • The U.S. “at-will employment approach,” without notice of termination or severance, is unique in the world: Most countries require employers to have a contract with their employees on employment terms and conditions.

  • There is no “one size fits all” approach to global employee relations management. Analysis should be done locally within the “3R” framework.

  • Despite the massive differences, there are similar emerging issues across the board, such as remote work, employee date privacy, supply chain human rights issues and policy developments, and employee voice via social media. 

On the third day, the team and participants discussed the “new normal” after the pandemic, how technology has changed much of our work by redefining work, workplace, and workers, and what an HR leader should consider in terms of a global strategy. 

The course was highly engaging and interactive, with quizzes, case studies, and presentations from outside experts. We encourage all our members to take advantage of the unique offering in the future to help senior leaders master the basics of leading a successful global human resources function.

